Case Study: Elderly person with dementia, living at a institution

Mary is 84 years old and lives in Sunshine retirement home.

Mary is demented and walks around the ward a lot. She has low blood pressure and gets easily dizzy. Last week she fell several times, but fortunately she didn’t break anything.

The staff agree that we must try to help Mary so that she does not injure herself, and they think that it maybe possible to use welfare technology.

Task 1 (healthcare/technicians):

  • Healthcare make a survey of Mary and come up with suggestions for different types of welfare technology he can use. 
  • Healthcare goes together with technicians and find out if the suggestions are possible to solve.

Task 2 (healthcare/technicians):

  • Work together and find how you can motivate Mary to use welfare technology.
  • Work together and find how you can advise and guide Mary in using welfare technology.

Task 3:

  • Make an instruction video where you teach the patient and healthcare workers to use a certain welfare technology tool.

Task 4 (technicians):

  • Make a floor plan with technical installations in the apartment. (We have made a guide for placement of equipment. We must also make sure to follow national laws and regulations).

Task 5 (healthcare/technicians):

  • Discuss what kind of ethical dilemmas you can face when using welfare technology in Mary apartment.

Task 6:

  • After 2 months you and Mary meet and discuss how this has worked out for him.
  • Come up with suggestions of things that may not work and what we can improve.
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