
The European Study Unit of Welfare Technology is a unit composed from an amalgamation of objectives from curricula in Norway, Finland and the Netherlands.

Expected impact:

  • Strengthened key competences among at least two groups of teachers: Those who teach Health and Social Services and those who teach Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics.
  • Transfer of knowledge to their students and hence strengthen the initial vocational training they are undergoing.
  • Updated curriculum delivery relevant to the latest developments in the health care sector.
  • Awareness of needs and possibilities.
  • Teachers will be updated on the possibilities that lie within today’s and tomorrow’s technologies.
  • Close dialogue and information flow between schools and health care providers resulting in continuous assessment of relevance in education in Health care, technical and safety programme areas.


The European Study Unit of Welfare Technology is a highly transferable output as it will:

  • Influence the way teachers and students include new welfare technologies in their learning environment.
  • This influence will take place in various programme areas, such as health and social care, technical programmes and security.
  • Health care providers and external stake holders will have access to the learning arenas / show rooms / laboratories.
  • On a transnational level; students may take this unit at several educational institutions around.

Europe regardless of which school they belong to, or which country they come from. This will enhance the European dimension in their education, and increase their competitiveness on the European labour market.

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