Mosjøen Videregående Skole
Mosjøen videregående skole is an upper secondary school offering a wide range of programme areas, comprising both vocational and general education. The school has for many years been focusing on interdisciplinary learning within vocational education both locally and internationally.
Friese Poort
ROC Friese Poort is a denominational institution of secondary vocational education and training (VET) in the Dutch provinces of Friesland and Flevoland. The institution is a vital link in the education of approximately 15.000 students. It offers vocational education at its locations in Leeuwarden/Dokkum, Drachten, Sneek and Emmeloord. In addition, the institution offers education courses and there is a good cooperation with ROC Friese Poort Corporate Education within the field of EVC assessment (acknowledgement of acquired competences) and made-to-measure courses for individual adults and companies.